What we offer


We Also Offer

Private Madressah Lessons
Apa Fehmida Goga has 30 years’ experience as an Aalimah, and is offering both Online classes nationally, and Onsite classes for the Durban area.
- Ages 4+
- Jamiat Syllabus
- Quran & tajweed
- One—on—one lessons are offered Monday to Friday (2pm to Spm)
- Hifz Classes

March 06
Holiday Revision
Students may return to piled up work and not enough revision done; something that is altogether more stressful in the long run. Unless you know your children are assignment free and exam free, you can be putting more on their plate than necessary.

Start your child’s journey to success today! Get in touch with us.
Raeesa Chotia (071) 634-4946